Installing ExpressVPN client on Manjaro Linux
Solution origin - awesome Manjaro forums
Remove old install (optional)
Stop and remove old install of expressvpn, if present:
expressvpn disconnect
sudo systemctl stop expressvpn
sudo systemctl disable expressvpn
sudo pacman -Rns expressvpn
Install new package from ExpressVPN website
ExpressVPN website provides a package for Arch now. Manjaro is based on Arch, so that’s what we need.
Download 64 bit .pkg.tar.xz
Arch package:
if you have a fresh install of manjaro:
go to expressvpn and download the Arch 64 bit version and copy the activation code
install it via pacman
sudo pacman -U /path/to/expressvpn.package.tar.xz
copy the service scripts to the correct location
sudo cp /usr/lib/expressvpn/expressvpn*.service /etc/systemd/system/.
enable and start the service
sudo systemctl enable expressvpn
sudo systemctl start expressvpn
activate it with the activation code you copied earlier
expressvpn activate
connect vpn
expressvpn connect smart
When you connect, expressvpn gives you some valuable infor you might miss:
- To check your connection status, type
expressvpn status
. - If your VPN connection unexpectedly drops, internet traffic will be blocked to protect your privacy.
- To disable Network Lock, disconnect ExpressVPN then type ’expressvpn preferences set network_lock off'.