Custom nice colors in Windows shells
We’ll be using scoop to install the necessary tools.
Quickstart with scoop
- Install
separately. Here’s the link: I recommend the following customizations in the installer:- Use Notepad++ as default editor
- Use True Type fonts in all console windows
- Check out as-is, commit as-is
Win+ R
. In PowerShell (answer ‘Y’ when asked):
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
- scoop is now installed, if you had any open cmd windows - close them now.
Colors for cmd.exe and PowerShell
Install concfg
using scoop
or from here:
scoop install concfg
Command to import the colorscheme:
concfg import <path-to-json>
Color scheme as a gihib gist: