Using multiple different shells/subsystems on Windows
Shells to be used:
All of the above are managed through one shell manager - ConEmu.
First install all the shells, then ConEmu.
Easy installation of useful dev tools
Use scoop to install basic utilities and languages. Install from powershell (without admin rights):
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
Using command scoop export
you can get an importable list of all installed packages.
Here’s mine currently: scoop-export.txt.
Tweaks to shells
To get auto-completion support similar to what you get in bash, install clink.
Win + Alt + P to open Properties. Startup -> Tasks
and set shortcuts for
shells you’ll be using.
Alt + C
for cmd.exeAlt + Shift + C
for elevated cmd.exeAlt + W
for MINGW from gitAlt + Y
for Cygwin
The full config is here, can be imported at installation time.
Basic packages to install throught setup.exe:
- wget
- curl
- lynx
- zip
- unzip
There is little known package manager that can be used from inside cygwin without having to run setup.exe all the time: apt-cyg.
lynx -source > apt-cyg
install apt-cyg /bin